Kind Lending is thrilled to announce game-changing additions to our product line that will reshape the landscape of non-qualified mortgage (non-QM) lending. Today, we unleash Kind Non-QM! This new product line will empower you, as one of our valued broker partners, to serve a growing, yet underserved market that will boost your business. 

 REGISTER FOR AN UPCOMING "Non-QM Broker Training" Click Here

Traditional lending requirements fail to meet individuals with unique incomes like non-salaried individuals, those with higher debt ratios, foreign nationals, and real estate investors. Both our Alternative Documentation (Alt-Doc) and Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) product lines are equipped to meet complex finances with flexible terms to meet a wider range of borrowers who fall outside conventional lending criteria.  

The Kind Non-QM Difference 

Competitive Pricing 
Our leadership team worked tirelessly to ensure our products are always priced to beat the competition and help you win every deal.   

Extensive Product Line 
With over 10 programs, our extensive suite of products has flexible terms unlike others. From credit scores as low as 620, assisting self-employed clients with only one year under their belt, to nixing caps on the number of financed properties an investor can have, Kind Non-QM will meet the needs of clients with unconventional financial profiles.  

Personalized Support  
Navigating the mortgage world of non-QM lending can be daunting. That is why our dedicated Account Executives will walk you through every step of the transaction, ensuring a smooth experience for you and your borrowers. Additionally, we will be offering monthly training sessions and white-labeled marketing materials to simply your marketing efforts.   

Kwikie Portal  
Our easy-to-use portal has been optimized for a faster and smoother experience as you price out your non-QM scenarios. Kind’s non-QM program goes beyond loans, it empowers individuals and strengthens communities through inclusivity, and innovation! 

Ready to explore new business endeavors with help from Kind? Contact your Kind Account Executive today to unlock more opportunities with Kind Non-QM! 

 Check out the upcoming "Non-QM Broker Training Series" Click Here

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