May 23, 2023

Glenn Stearns Launches Memoir: Integrity: My Slow and Painful Journey To Success

Krish Dhokia
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Integrity is one of the key values that Kind Lending, LLC stands for. It's a value that our CEO and Founder, Glenn Stearns, has embodied throughout his career and personal life. And now, he's sharing his story in his new memoir book, "Integrity: My Slow and Painful Journey To Success", which launched on May 23 and is available now across bookstores like Amazon, Books-A-Million and Barnes & Noble.

In "Integrity", Glenn Stearns takes readers through his journey from humble beginnings to becoming a billionaire entrepreneur. He shares the struggles he faced along the way, including a battle with cancer and the loss of his father. But through it all, he remained true to his values and kept his integrity intact.

The book is not only a testament to Glenn Stearns' resilience and determination, but also a guide for aspiring entrepreneurs who are looking to build successful businesses without compromising their values. It's a reminder that success is not just about making money, but also about making a positive impact in the world.

At Kind Lending, LLC, we're honored to have a CEO and Founder who embodies the values we stand for. We're excited for the launch of "Integrity" and encourage everyone to read it and learn from Glenn Stearns' inspiring story.

So, if you're looking for a book that will inspire you to pursue your dreams with integrity and perseverance, be sure to pick up a copy of "Integrity: My Slow and Painful Journey To Success" today.