
Title: Empower Your Clients, Elevate Your Business: Kind Lending's National DPA Program fo

Aliya Sumar, PR Specialist
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Unlock a World of Possibilities for Your Borrowers

Looking to elevate your business and empower more clients to achieve homeownership? Kind Lending's National DPA Program is the answer you've been searching for! We offer a suite of features designed to make your job easier and open doors for borrowers who might otherwise struggle with a traditional down payment.

FHA100% Down Payment Assistance: Boosting Dreams Nationwide

Our FHA 100% Down Payment Assistance Program removes a significant barrier to entry for many potential homeowners. Available in a whopping 47 states, this program offers DPA up to 3.5%, allowing clients to qualify for a mortgage with a minimum FICO score of 600. That's a win-win for both you and your clients!

Unparalleled Flexibility: Tailored Solutions for Every Need

We understand that every client's situation is unique. That's why our National DPA Program offers a variety of options to cater to different financial needs. This includes:

  • 2-1 Buydown Options: Alleviate some of the upfront financial burden with our flexible buydown options, allowing clients to lower their interest rate in the first     years of their mortgage.
  • Standard & High Balance Loan Amounts: Whether your client is seeking a cozy starter home or a spacious forever home, we have financing options to suit their needs.

Streamlined Efficiency with Kwikie: Your Time-Saving Portal

At Kind Lending, we value your time and efficiency. That's why we offer Kwikie, our user-friendly broker portal. With Kwikie, submitting loan applications is a breeze, allowing you to focus on what matters most – serving your clients.

Become a Partner in Homeownership Success

Partnering with Kind Lending equips you with the tools and resources to take your business to the next level. Our National DPA Program is just one of the many ways we can help you unlock incredible financing options for your borrowers and transform their dreams of homeownership into reality.

Ready to Learn More? Let's Get Started!

Explore the full potential of Kind Lending's National DPA Program for Brokers. You can also contact your Kind AE (Account Executive) directly for personalized information and support. Not partnered with Kind?  Get approved today!

Don't wait any longer! Empower your clients, elevate your business, and unlock a world of homeownership possibilities together with Kind Lending!